How We Do It

Well I can tell you it was not easy. It took almost a year and hundreds of hours to develop a system that would enable us to give free business websites to our customers.

The Magic Formula:

In order to offer you a completely FREE Business Website Design, we request that you host your new website with us for 1 year.

From the hosting contract we make just a couple of dollars a month. Once we’ve paid our designers, that number shrinks to almost nothing for the first year or two. However, multiplied by hundreds of customers, it turns out to be a pretty good business.

Looking back it was definitely a chance we took at the beginning, but several years later it has proven itself well worth it.

The only cost to you is hosting your site, just like you would with any website. The best part is that we have ensured you get one of the lowest rates on premium hosting available – just $24.95/month.

This is premium carrier class hosting which is comparable to:

$105.95/month x 12 = $1,271.40/year.

$54.95/month x 12 = $659.40/year.

Your Website hosted with us
Only $8.95/month x 12 = $107.40/year

Because of a special deal we have just started you can get your website for only $73.45 when you pay for the year in advance.

As you can see, this is not the unreliable hosting you see hawked around the Internet for a few dollars a month. Amateur hosting companies can be reckless, and have hurt many small businesses trying save a few dollars.

These hosting companies either host sites out of their home or simply resell the customers to massive depots that provide slow, unreliable hosting.

Many business owners who would be appalled if they knew the truth about the company hosting their site are stuck with frustrating outages and service disruptions.

Demand only the best!

Every website we build is hosted in our state of the art facility located directly on the Internet hub. Everything is carrier class and is exactly what you expect from a world class provider: backup battery power, backup power generators, backup air conditioning, backup domestic and emergency water supply, total redundant servers, bullet-proof firewalls and tier 1 load balancers.

Keep your options open.

No long-term contracts.

We know you’ll love your new website and that’s why we don’t want to trap you in a long-term contract spanning several years. You have the freedom to stay with us for as little as a year or for as long as a lifetime.

Click here to view out Frequently Asked Questions section.

Cost for Businesses to
Build a Web Site

Internet’s Impact
on Small Businesses